Tuesday 22 May 2018

Born To Overcome.


Tuesday, May 22th, 2018

Born To Overcome.

"Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an
hill cannot be hid." Matthew 5:14

In view of the statement made by Jesus in our opening scripture, it is obvious that every child of God ought to be a leader wherever they are and in whatever they do because they are the light of the world.

Therefore, if you are born again know that you are the light of the world. As the light of the world, I want you to know that there will be confrontations against you from the rulers of the darkness of this world which the Bible talks about in Ephesians 6:12. These rulers of the darkness of this world are spirit beings that govern the world, but because you are the light of the world, you will always win over the rulers of the darkness of this world.

The Bible says in John 1:5 (ESV), #The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. "This means that darkness can never overcome your light as a child of God. Therefore, I encourage you today to let your light so shine because darkness would only prevail around you to the measure your light shines.

For instance, when I was in the university (a Christian university), there was a time we heard that they had a cult on campus. When we heard, those in my fellowship and I began praying. As we prayed for the cultists that God will touch their hearts and change their lives, they started getting saved, and some of them joined our campus fellowship. Why? It was because we let our light shine by taking responsibility for change within that university and we overcame because light always overcomes darkness.

Pray for the salvation of any member of your family that is not saved. Also, you can pray for those who are not saved around you; in your street, your office, etc. mention their names even as you make intercession for their souls today.

For further study, read:
Isaiah 2:2-3, John 5:35, John 9:5.

Doing the Word
Please make an effort to reach out to that individual you prayed for today with the gospel of Jesus Christ in love.


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