Tuesday 1 May 2018

What Is Leadership?


Tuesday, May 1st, 2018

What Is Leadership?

The mark of a good leader is loyal followers; leadership is
nothing without a following." Proverbs 14:28 (MSG)

In this month's devotional, we are going to be studying about
New Testament Leadership. What is leadership? Leadership is the ability to inspire followership. In other words, a leader is
someone others are willing to follow. A leader does not need to
coerce others to follow him or her, they choose to follow the

According to our opening scripture, the measure of your
leadership ability is the measure of your followership. So, the
measure of your leadership ability is equivalent to the 
measure of your influence. Therefore, if you call yourself a
leader what is the measure of your followership?

In my early days as a Pastor, the Lord taught me the importance
of developing my leadership ability and the importance of
raising leaders not followers. Later, when I began to read
leadership books I realized that I was led aright by the Holy

Therefore, I encourage you to develop your leadership ability
because leadership in the New Testament is not a title, it is
influence. From the above, you can tell if you are a leader
because the mark of a good leader is loyal followers because
leadership is nothing without a following.

Dear Father, I believe I receive the grace to lead effectively
in my field. I ask that You grant unto me an understanding of
the times so that I will know what I ought to do always as a
leader, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

For further study, read:
Judges 6:34 (NIV), 1 Samuel 10:26, 1 Chronicles 12:32.

Doing the Word
Ask God to give you grace to practice all that you will learn
in this month's devotional.


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