Tuesday 18 April 2017

Word seed

Tuesday, April   18th

Word seed

“You will have to live with the consequences of everything you say. What you say can preserve life or destroy it; so you must accept the consequences of your words.”                      
     Proverbs 18:20-21 (GNB)

The words you are speaking are seeds. When you speak words you are actually planting seeds. Therefore the outcomes of your life are the harvest of your words. So if you do not like the outcomes of your life then you must of necessity change your words.

You cannot have the right outcomes without consistency in making the right confessions of the Word of God. For instance, there are people who confess right for three days and then begin to confess negatively afterwards. You cannot have the right outcomes that way. You would surely produce the right outcomes when there is consistent faith in your heart in the confessions of your mouth. As long as you do not doubt and change your confessions because of what you see, hear or feel you shall surely have whatsoever you say. The Word of God is more real than sensory evidence. Maintain your confessions notwithstanding because those seeds that you have
sown will surely come to fruition as you continue to consistently water them with the right words.

Being successful is intentional. The Bible shows us that an unstable man will not receive anything from God. (See James 1:5-7)


Declare Psalm 23 over you and your household.

For further study, read:
Matthew 17:20, Mark 11:23, John 11:3-4, 40-44

Doing the Word

Have faith in your confessions of the Word.


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