Sunday 21 July 2019


Decide To Obey 3

“… Follow me, and I will make you …”
Matthew 4:19.

Today, I will like to share a story with you about Kenneth Hagin to teach you the importance of obeying and following God's plan and purpose for your life.

Kenneth Hagin was pastoring for several years before the Lord began to let him know that he was not called to be a Pastor but a Prophet and Teacher. At first when he stopped pastoring he became an evangelist before he finally became a prophet and teacher. Since he was always traveling, his wife didn't like it.

His wife preferred him to be a Pastor than for him to be traveling around often. So, on the Sunday he came to take the church he was to pastor, as they were having Sunday school, he had a heart attack, he collapsed and became unconscious.

When his wife was called to see him and was told what happened, she immediately began to repent before the Lord that she was sorry. That day, she released her husband to serve God and to do whatever God had called him to do because God had told her earlier that He was going to call her husband home because of the way she was behaving which led him out of God's will and opened him to destruction and loss of life.
After she repented and gave her husband back to the Lord, he revived and joined her in the prayer surrendering to the call. As a result of that decision they took that day, many years later, their son was serving the American army at a base in Asia. As he rode his bike one day, there was a mishap and the bike fell down the mountain but his life was spared. At that same time, the Lord woke his father who didn't know what was happening up and said to him, “Today, your son would have died, but I spared him because you obeyed me to answer your call.” Decisions determine your destiny. That is why I encourage you if you are a wife reading this today to allow your husband follow God's plan and purpose for his life. It will be to your benefit.

You can make the right decisions today that will preserve the lives of your children in the future.

Dear Father, I ask that You give me an understanding of the times to do what I ought to do at the right time always in the pursuance of your plan and purpose for my life, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

For further study, read:
Genesis 22:15-18, Genesis 26:3-6, Genesis 26:24.

Doing the Word
Faithfully follow God's plan for your life.


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