Saturday 3 December 2016

Faith-filled words.

Saturday, December   3rd.
Faith-filled words.

“A man shall eat good by the fruit of his mouth: …” Proverbs 13:2a

A good and fulfilling life is the product of speaking right words. So if you want to live a blessed and prosperous life, you must learn to use your mouth well. A lot of times what is working against you are the words you have spoken.

Everything God created responds to faith-filled words. For instance, Jesus said you can speak to the mountain (Matthew 17:20). God created the mountain so it responds to faith-filled words. This shows you that the realm of faith is the realm of God's creative ability.

God created everything by faith-filled words. Hebrews 11:3 says, “Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.” Therefore when you speak with faith, those words have creative ability; that means they are self fulfilling.

Most of the successful men in the world are very positive people including Christians and unbelievers. They trained themselves to be positive. You also have to use the Word of God to renew your mind to that point where you always speak faith-filled words concerning your life, family, children, etc. This is important because if you want to have it good, you must learn to talk right.

Dear Father, I thank you because the blessing of the Lord rests upon me and every member of my household for fruitfulness, multiplying, replenishing, subduing and dominion over the earth and in all things, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

For further study, read:
Mark 11:23, Proverbs 12:14, Proverbs 18:20.

Doing the Word.
Use your words to frame your life.


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