Thursday 29 December 2016

The realm of death.

Thursday,  December  29th.
The realm of death.

“Now the mind of the flesh [which is sense and reason without the Holy Spirit] is death …”
Romans 8:6 (AMP)

Many lives are without the blessing because they are living their lives from their carnal minds and reasoning. If you are going to walk in the blessing you must allow the Holy Spirit guide your life in God's way out the realm of sense and reason without the Holy Spirit.

When you start reasoning the things of God and your life outside of God's Word and going against what God has said in His Word you will cut yourself off from the blessing. Many have cut themselves from the blessing; going the way of sense and reason without the Holy Spirit which is the realm of death.

If you choose not to tithe because of the pressure of your needs; you are going the way of sense and reason without the Holy Spirit and the Bible shows us in our opening scripture that is the realm of death.

Instead of thinking like an ordinary man and allowing the pressure of your needs control you, think about the blessing, think about God's input into your life when you tithe, think about the favour you will enjoy, etc.

When your thinking is dependent on God this way it will produce life and peace; which is the realm of the blessing.

For further study, read:
Romans 8:7-8, Galatians 6:6-10,
2 Thessalonians 3:6-16.

Doing the Word.
Let the Word of God be the standard for your life and conduct.


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