Saturday 22 February 2020

Follow Biblical Counsel 3

“But his delight is in the law of the Lord; and in his
law doth he meditate day and night.”

Psalm 1:2.

To cultivate success God's way, one thing you
must learn to practice is habitual meditation.
Our opening scripture prescribes that you 
meditate on the Word of God day and night. To do
this effectively you must feed your mind with the
Word of God.

Our opening scripture says, “… his delight is in the
law of the Lord; …” In other words, he is happy and
loves the Word of God. “… and in his law doth he
meditate day and night.” The amazing thing about
loving something is; 'we love what we meditate on
and we meditate on what we love.' So if you spend
time meditating on the Word of God, you will love it
and if you love the Word of God, you will meditate
on it. Therefore, if you find out that you really don't
have passion for the Word of God as you should,
then meditate on the Word.

The word 'meditate' in our opening scripture is
from the Hebrew word 'hagah' which means to
speak under your breath. This connotes talking or
discussing the Word of God. Hence, you may need
to find someone that you can talk the Word of God

Hagah which means meditate also means to muse,
to devise, to plot, etc. This connotes thinking on the
Word of God. If you start doing this, your love for
the Word will increase and you will make your way
prosperous and you will have good success.


Please read Philippians 1:9 and ask God to give
you a love for the knowledge of His Word.

For further study, read:

Joshua 1:8, Psalm 40:8, Jeremiah 15:6.

Doing the Word

Intentionally meditate on the Word of God, day
and night.

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Call: +2348033827072,


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