Thursday 9 October 2014

Don't be Ignorant.

“in order to keep Satan from getting the upper hand over us; for we know what his plans are.” 
2 Corinthians 2:11(GNB)

In this month's devotional, within the next few days, you will be learning some very important thoughts that is going to help you understand why you should consistently live your life in line with the vision of the kingdom of God. I will like to begin by exposing the ten point plan of the new world order given by a woman named Alice Bailey.

Alice Bailey was an occult prophetess who was born on June 16th 1880. She was listening to a monk who was under the influence of an evil spirit, and he dictated to her the ten point plan that could change the world for the next three hundred years. If you want to know more about this occult attack on Christianity, you can do a search on it on the internet for the 10 point plan by Alice Bailey and the new world order.

I am bringing these things to your attention at this time so that you will become proactive as a Christian in dealing with these occultic ideas that are been proposed by governments and some international organizations in our world today. The purpose of this satanic plan is to change Christian tradition or to redeem the nations of Christian tradition. This is why we must continue to pray fervently for our nation.

I encourage you to pray for all our political leaders using the President as a point of contact that God would stir up his heart to favour God's righteous course. Pray for the members of the Legislature that God will stir up their hearts to make only righteous laws, also pray that God will strengthen their hearts against all occultic ideas, bills and prayers from within and outside this country. Finally pray that the gospel of Jesus Christ would continue to spread rapidly within and outside the borders of this nation, and may the gospel continue to influence the hearts of every individual in this nation for salvation.

Please take some time now to pray for Nigeria in line with the prayer points listed in the last paragraph above.

For further study read:
Ezra 1:1, 1 Timothy 2:1-4, 2 Thessalonians 3:1-2,
Isaiah 60:17-18, 1 Kings 3:9

Instead of complaining about the nation, pray and continue to do what is right within your sphere of influence.


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