Wednesday 12 December 2018


“You have no part or share in our work, because your heart is not right in God's sight. Repent, then, of this evil plan of yours, and pray to the Lord that he will forgive you for thinking such a thing as this. For I see that you are full of bitter envy and are a prisoner of sin."”                    
Acts 8:21-23 (GNT).

Our opening scripture shows us that you can become a prisoner of sin if you choose to hold bitterness in your heart. This is because most of the sins that people commit and are bond to are as a result of things that have been done to them which they have refused to forgive.

There is a story told about a young guy whose father never showed him any love. He grew up in a very abusive family and as a result, he began sleeping with men and became a homosexual. One day, he was met by a Christian lady who preached to him and led him to Christ. After he got born again, he was still bond to homosexuality.

One day, the Lord impressed in his heart that he should go and forgive his father. In obedience, he drove to where his father lived and began pouring out his heart to his father for all the abuse and wrong done to him growing up as a child. As the reconciliation process continued, his father also apologized to him, letting him know that he was also abused by his father and he did not know any better because he also had never known love. Therefore, as he forgave his father and they both began to cry and reconcile, he said that it was from that very moment that inordinate desire and crave for men left him.

Notice from the story above that the bitterness in the young man's heart kept him in bondage and a prisoner of homosexuality. Are you bond to any sin or bad habit? Could it be the bitterness in your heart is what has kept you bound and addicted to these vices; sex, alcohol, smoking, etc. I encourage you to let go of all bitterness today and you will be made free from all your addictions.

Dear Father, I ask that You lead me in the path of Your love and patient endurance, so that I may have practical knowledge of the breadth, length, depth and height of Your love towards me, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

For further study, read: 
1 Corinthians 13:1-13, 1 Thessalonians 5:15, 2 Peter 1:5-9.

Doing the Word
If you need to meet with anyone, so that you can reconcile with them appropriately, please do so you can be completely free from all bondage.


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