Thursday 13 December 2018

Apostle's Thursday Letter

Dearly Beloved,

Grace Greetings in the Matchless Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ by whom we have received the mandate to “Preach the Full Message of this New Life” to the peoples of this world.

God has gifted us with another day to experience His love and His grace. Abundant mercies are flowing towards you today. God has scheduled good things for you today. May you receive them all in Jesus Name, Amen.

Approach each day with definite expectations and goals. One of the keys to success in life is habitual goal setting. Many successful people claim that daily goal seeking is one the primary reasons for their continuous progress and success. This cuts across all fields of endeavor.

What is a goal? A goal is a dream with a deadline. A goal is a written description of something you want to be, do or have within specific time frames and deadlines. Goals must be specific, measurable, attainable, reachable and time bound.

For instance, you may have a dream of losing weight but it becomes a goal when you become specific about how much weight you want to lose or what size you would like to be and by what date. Sister A may want to be a size 10 by March 31st 2019 or she may want to weigh 60kg by March 31st 2019. That’s a specific goal.

Clarity is the most important quality when it comes to goal setting. Having set a clear goal with definite timeframes we become obligated to reach out to do something about the goal or fail to reach it.

Reaching your goal requires daily goal setting and daily discipline. Having set your three month goal, you have to commit yourself to a daily process of reaching these goals. This is where planning comes in. A plan is a carefully written strategy for achieving your goal usually over a long period of time.

The person who wants to lose weight has to decide which gym membership she will apply for, what kind of diet she needs to stick to, how often she has to go the gym, etc. All these details go into your planning. After planning, you commit your plan to the Lord and discipline yourself to a daily routine. It has been said that “The secret to your success is hidden in your daily routine.” Something you do daily is facilitating your success. Yes something you do daily is also sabotaging your success.

Pay attention to your routine. One time the Lord said to me, “The difference between successful people and unsuccessful people is their habits.” If you change your daily routine, you will change your outcomes. So I encourage you to pen down five or six things that if you do them everyday you will be able to achieve your greatest goals. Present the list of activities to the Lord and ask for the grace to do them consistently and you are on the road to dream fulfillment and vision realization. See you at the top.



P. S.
Psalm 90:12; Proverbs 16:1,3,9 NLT; Proverbs 21:5 NLT; Psalm 20:4 NLT; Nehemiah 2:1-6 KJV.


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