Friday 13 September 2019

The True View Of God

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”
John 3:16.

Today I want you to change every wrong view of God because the God you are dealing with is not a hater, He is a lover.

Our opening scripture reveals that God was willing to let go of His best for the undeserving. How much more you His child if you are born again? What is it you have been asking God to do for you and yet you say He hasn't done it? It is because you have not yet understood His love for you.

Did you need to beg God for a Savior? You didn't need to because salvation was not your idea. It was His idea. In His love for you, He conceptualized the idea of salvation and became flesh. He suffered all humiliation in His body for the undeserving (those who were not perfect) not for the righteous. If the undeserving can get such good, how much more you a child of God?

From today, I encourage you to receive His grace and favour from a new perspective if you are born again. Romans 8:32 says, “He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?” Now that you know the true character of God, receive from Him freely without fear and doubting.

Exercise your faith today and ask in faith for whatever you desire and it will be given you.

For further study, read:
Matthew 7:7-11, John 16:23-24, James 1:5-8.

Doing the Word.
According to James 1:5 (AMP), when you ask you heavenly Father for anything, expect Him to give to you liberally and ungrudgingly, without reproaching or faultfinding, and it will be given you. Thank Him for His answers.

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