Sunday 22 March 2015

Your answer is here

"… Come; for all things are now ready."

Luke 14:17

Do you know that all things you need for life and godliness have already been made available to you? They are already available, but as we learnt yesterday, you can only gain access to them by revelation knowledge.

For instance, before I got married to my wife, the ministry was a lot younger then and the people we had were mostly students. So, I thought that the person I was to marry was to come from another ministry. But God revealed to me that the person I was thinking would come from somewhere else was my wife, and she was already in the ministry at that time.

I want you to know that what you are looking for is never far from you. All you need is revelation. This is why one prayer you must learn to pray consistently is this: "Father, open my eyes to see my opportunities."

Oral Roberts made this statement, "Everyday miracles are coming towards you and are going past you." Think about that.

There is a principle taught in the law of relationships which states that you are four people away from someone you need to meet. That means you are four persons away from the President of this country or from the most influential man in the world today. But since many people do not understand this principle, they fail to value their relationships, so they treat people wrongly, only for them to discover later that the connection they were trying to get would have been made easy by that person who they treated badly or rudely yesterday.

Everyone deserves to be treated right by you. This is because the person you despise today may be the one in a position to help you tomorrow. Don't despise anyone. Treat all persons with value. They may be your greatest blessing tomorrow.


Dear Father, I choose to rest from all my worries because my eyes are anointed to see my provisions and opportunities. As I go about my day today, I thank you for you have placed the right people on my path that will help me in the fulfillment of your plan and purpose for my life in Jesus Name. Amen.

For further study read:

1 Samuel 10:26, 1 Chronicles 12:20-22, Genesis 21:19

Doing the Word

Don't despise anyone in your heart. Instead, ask the Lord to reveal to you the purpose of your relationships.


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