Wednesday 8 May 2013

Power in the Word

“The word of God is alive and active, sharper than any double-edged sword. It cuts all the way through, to where soul and spirit meet, to where joints and marrow come together. It judges the desires and thoughts of the heart.” Hebrews 4:12 (KJV)

A Pastor’s daughter was dying and he asked his wife to take her to the hospital. Then, he went to his office to look for scriptures to find out who is really in control of death and he found out that satan has been defeated, and Jesus has the power over death.

So, he wrote four scriptures and sent it to his daughter instructing that they read it to her while she was on the dying bed. When they read the scriptures to her, she came back to life again. Since then she has been alive, and today she is a grown woman.

Some other person’s would have just given up saying maybe it was God’s will to take her. That’s ignorance. A lot of Christians today are unaware of this. They are unaware that you can change things by the Word of God. Instead, they make statements like, “The day God wants things to change, it will change.” They say, “One day it will change.” When is that one day? That is unfounded hope.

Do you know that hope doesn’t change anything? It is faith that changes things, not hope. Hope says, “One day it will change.”  But faith says, “It has changed.” Because according to Romans 4:17, faith calls those things that be not as though they were. So, a lot of Christians are functioning in hope and then they are wondering why in their lives they do not have a testimony of faith.

Therefore, if you are going to begin to change things and produce testimonies of faith in your life, you must begin to put the Word of God to work in your life by, acting on it and talking like it inspite of your circumstances because the Word of God is sure to produce what it talks about in your life.

The Word of God is Yea and Amen in my life. I hold on to the fidelity of your Word in my life because I believe that your Word is more real to me than what I perceive in my senses. I am who the Word says I am, I have what the Word says I have and I can do what the Word says I can do. Amen

Further Study
Romans 4:17-21.

Doing the word
Look beyond the negative circumstances that you see, and call yourself what God calls you in His Word.


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