Tuesday 26 September 2017

Fulfill Your Purpose.

Tuesday, September  26th.
Fulfill Your Purpose.

“No, we neither make nor save ourselves. God does both the making and saving. He creates each of us by Christ Jesus to join him in the work he does, the good work he has gotten ready for us to do, work we had better be doing.”
Ephesians 2:10 (MSG)

In stressing the importance of purpose, I will like to remind you of the story I mentioned on Thursday 14th about a very popular minister whose interview I watched on satellite television. This minister was about sixty years of age at that time. He had built big buildings, and has accomplished many things in his life. So much adulation was poured on this man from the body of Christ. Yet, when he spoke up, he said, “I found out that, I am a failure.” Why did he say so? He said he was not living according to God's purpose for his life.

Not living in God's purpose for your life would cost you everything. There is more to your life than just living every day: eating, drinking and wearing clothes. Life is more than these things. Henry Ford said, “If a man will find out God's destiny for himself, and follow it with all his heart, that man will be successful.”

If you've truly found out God's plan for your life, put all your focus into it, and as you do, God will begin to give you divine influence. Mother Theresa was just feeding lepers, showing them love, and people like Bill Clinton, who was President of America at that time, greatly respected her.

She was a small and short woman. Her job was to feed the lepers and the poor on the street, yet she had such influence with Presidents because she was living in God's vision for her life.

Have you taken the time to find out from God His purpose for your life? If you would need to fast to get it, go on a fast till you get it, than for you get to seventy-eight, and God tells you, “I called you to preach, or I called you to start a business, and you were a civil servant all your life.” The earlier you find out God's purpose for your life, the better for you, but if you've not found it, it's never too late.

Dear Father, I thank You for a release of the Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of God's plan and purpose for my life. I receive grace and spiritual empowerment to fulfill my purpose on earth without reproach, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

For further study, read: 1 Corinthians 9:24-27; Philippians 3:13-14; Hebrews 12:2

Doing the Word.
Don't live for your own pleasure. Live for His purpose, knowing that a great reward awaits you from God when you finish.


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