Friday 22 April 2016

Don't be insecure

Friday, April 22nd
Don't be insecure.

“According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love:”
Ephesians 1:4

As a Christian if your love relationship with your heavenly Father is not healthy, you cannot have a healthy relationship with any one else. One of your priorities, if you are going to develop a healthy relationship with others, is to focus on developing a passionate loving relationship with your heavenly Father. If that is in place, then every other thing will fall into place.

Having a healthy loving relationship with your heavenly Father will help you deal with your insecurities. If you are still struggling with insecurities or a lack of confidence because of your looks, your past, your economic status, etc. you now know where the real issue is. You have not received God's unconditional love for you. When you do, you will stop being insecure.

Christians who are insecure always seek to impress others to gain acceptance. They pretend about their insecurities instead of exposing those insecurities  and allowing the love of God to heal them and receiving confidence from the Word of God as to who they are in Christ.

If you are a Christian, God accepts you unconditionally and He has accepted you in the Beloved. If you are having any insecurity, confess it to Him and accept His Word concerning who you really are. This will make you confident to face your world.

Dear Father, I thank you for your everlasting love towards me. I lay down all my insecurities and I choose to accept your unconditional acceptance and identity revealed to me in your Word, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.


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