Wednesday 27 April 2016

Love conquers bitterness

Wednesday, April 27th
Love conquers bitterness.

“Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.” Romans 12:21

Today, I want to share the story about Smith Wigglesworth and his wife, Polly. Polly was always coming late from Church, and Smith became bitter against her. So, on a particular day, when she came late from Church, he instructed her not to go back to the Church any longer, but she answered and said to him, “Smith, you are my husband, but you are not my Lord.”

When she said that to him, he got angry and chased her out of the house, and locked her out. She remained outside and slept in front of the door of the house through that cold winter night. The next morning, he opened the door and she stumbled into the house, greeted him politely, and went to prepare breakfast for him that morning.

As a result of this act and loving attitude expressed by Polly towards him, Smith Wigglesworth said that his heart smote him; he felt sorry for his actions and went on a ten-day fast during which he got a call into the ministry and became an apostle of the faith, because, his wife, Polly, showed him true love. She chose to express the love of Christ - that unconditional demonstration of goodwill towards others irrespective of their behaviour towards you. That was what she did, and she was able to win her husband, and conquer his bitterness against her with the love of God. As a result, Smith Wigglesworth was able to say, “All that I became under God, was because of my wife.”

Child of God, know that love will always conquer bitterness, hate and selfishness. Receive grace today to walk in such love.  

Dear Father, I thank you because I am strengthened with might by your Spirit to be able to love and act as I ought to, no matter the demand on my emotions to act otherwise, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

For further study, read:
Matthew 5:43-45, Romans 12:20-21, 1 Peter 3:1-4.

Doing the Word
Sow the seed of love, knowing that your attitude can save a soul.  


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