Saturday 20 August 2016

It's never late

Saturday, August 20th
It's never late.

“Even when Sarah was too old to have children, she had faith that God would do what he had promised, and she had a son.”
Hebrews 11:11(CEV)

Today I want you to know that in the realm of faith it is never late.

I will like to share with you the story of a brother who got an opportunity to go to the United States for training. The requirement was for them to write a five hundred words essay on conflict resolution. They had about five hundred entries from Nigeria and they needed only twelve. The deadline was before December 31st of that year.

Due to his commitment in Church and the preparations for the 31st night service of that year, he could not meet the deadline, but he still went ahead to submit it in January after the deadline had passed. Eventually only eleven persons were chosen from Nigeria and he was one of them.

In the realm of faith it is never late. Stop counting yourself out. You do not need to know anybody to be, do and have all that God has ordained for you to be, do and have. The One you need to know is God and your faith alone is all you need to have. Your faith will provide for you the opportunities, men, materials and the resources that are necessary for you to fulfill destiny. Praise God.    

Dear Father, I thank you because you are enough for me. By my faith I declare that; you have made me what you want me to be, you have equipped me to do all you have called me to do and I am empowered by you to have all you have ordained for me to have in this life. Amen.

For further study, read:
Genesis 17:17-19, Genesis 18:11-14,
Habakkuk 2:3.

Doing the Word
Stop counting yourself out from having God’s best.


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