Sunday 28 August 2016

Sunday,  August  28th

Testify in praise.

“I will give you thanks, O LORD, with all my heart. I will tell about all the miracles you have done.”
Psalm 9:1(GW)

Every time you testify publicly, you are praising God. Yet there are Christians who do not like to testify publicly. God does something for them and they keep it to themselves. You are not glorifying God that way.

Some Christians give the excuse that it is because of shyness they do not testify publicly. Enough of the shyness, God has not given you the spirit of timidity. Start celebrating the miracles God has done in your life. This is important because it is what you celebrate, God will sustain in your life. So if you do not celebrate what God is doing you will lose it.

I remember the story told by a Man of God who is popularly known for laying hands on people and they fall under the power of the Holy Spirit. He said at a particular time he started taking it for granted and began seeing it as a common thing to the point that he began to laugh when he sees those under him lay hands on people and they fall. As a result, he was laying hands in a meeting and he was not seeing that manifestation of God's Spirit anymore (nobody was falling). Then God told him, “Never let whatever I do become common.” He repented and it started happening again.

What are the miracles God is doing in your life? Are you always experiencing favours? Testify about it. Did you get healed or did someone get healed because you prayed? Testify about it. Do not allow the miracles you see become common to you.

Dear Father, I repent from any way I have taken your works for granted in my life. I receive forgiveness and I choose to begin to celebrate every miracle to the glory of your name, in Jesus Name. Amen.

For further study, read:
1 Chronicles 6:8-9(MSG), Psalm 40:9-10(MSG), Psalm 145:4-6, 11,12.

Doing the Word
Go and testify of all the things God has done for you that you have not given Him glory for.  


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