Wednesday 10 August 2016

Praise habit

Wednesday, August  10th
Praise habit.

“I will bless the LORD at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth.”
Psalm 34:1

There is such a thing as a praise habit; in other words, you make a habit of praise. It is possible for praise to proceed from you continually because when we praise, we are speaking well of God. That is why testifying of what God has done, is part and parcel of praise to God.

One of the things you must never loose in your life is your praise and your joy. David never lost a battle; he was a man who praised. This is because praise establishes you in victory.

Your praise or your joy is the indicator of your spiritual health. If you want to know if you are healthy spiritually, examine yourself to see if you are quick to praise God. Complaining instead of praising is a sign that you are not spiritually healthy. Those who complained according to          1 Corinthians 10:10 were destroyed by the destroyer.

Whenever you start complaining, you are blaming God and taking sides with satan which opens the door to demonic oppression. But when you praise God inspite of contrary evidence you are inviting God to intervene because praise opens the door for divine intervention.

Therefore I encourage you to maintain the praise habit because if you do, you will always have victory.  

Please read Psalm 66 to the Lord in praise.

For further study, read:
Psalm 71:6-8, Psalm 71:14-24, Psalm 146:1-2.

Doing the Word
Counter complaining with praise.


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