Wednesday 16 November 2016

Do not lie.

Wednesday, November 16th.
Do not lie.

“A soothing tongue is a tree of life, but a deceitful tongue breaks the spirit.”        
Proverbs 15:4(GW)

I discovered from observation and from the scriptures that those who lie a lot, would always be sick. Lying will weaken your spirit and make you susceptible to sickness.

I use to know a guy during my days in the university though he is late now. While we were in school he was always telling lies and he was known to be a liar. Also, I observed that he was always sick. We prayed for him many times yet he was still very sickly. One day, after I discovered Proverbs 15:4 I spoke to him and told him that the reason why he was always sick was because of his constant lying. Lying breaks the spirit.

What is a lie? A lie is the distortion and perverseness of truth. A lie is half truth and half truth is a whole lie. Speak the truth; as a worker, do not lie to your boss. As a child do not lie to your parents. As a husband or a wife do not lie to your spouse. It will affect your health negatively.
Proverbs 11:3 says, “The integrity of the upright shall guide them: but the perverseness of transgressors shall destroy them.”

Dear Father, I commit to a life of integrity; I receive grace to live a life of truth; speaking truth, living truly and dealing truly in all my dealings to the glory of God, in Jesus Name. Amen.

For further study, read:
Proverbs 28:18, Colossians 3:9-10,
Revelations 21:22-27.

Doing the Word.
Put away lying, always speak truth.


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