Thursday 13 September 2012

Fasting changes you.

“I proclaimed a fast there beside the Ahava Canal, a fast to humble ourselves before our God and pray for wise guidance for our journey--all our people and possessions.”  Ezra 8:21(MSG).

Fasting doesn’t change God, it changes you. When you study your bible, you will notice that whenever there was an issue, the people of God will call for a fast. Why. They did that to separate themselves to hear from God, because there are some certain things you are doing right now that may be sabotaging your progress, but you do not know. But when you separate yourself to fast like this, God will point out the areas in your life where you need to make some adjustments.  

I was listening to a Man of God talk about firstfruit. He spoke about how the Spirit of God will always lead him to give the first of everything he got, and he was wondering, why? Until he found it in the Word of God for himself. When I heard that, I was encouraged because that was how it happened to me too. The first time I went to preach as a young Christian, I was given an honorarium. As I left that place on my way home, I heard in my spirit, “Take that money to Church, it is not your money.” So, I took it to Church and gave it.
That was the Spirit of God leading me in line with the Word of God. So, the Spirit of God can lead you to fast in order that you may separate yourself so that He can show you things which you do not know.

Some people have never given their first fruit. They think that they are smarter than God, but let me tell you something, if you don’t know what the bible says about an issue, you are exempted in some form. In other words, you won’t see the full impact of the judgment or the consequences. But if you know what the Word of God says and yet harden your heart against it, something starts leaving your life. You will find out that though you seem to be making progress, you will be empty. But as you fast in times like this, God will begin to correct you and put you in line with His destiny for your life.

Father I ask that you grant unto me wisdom and revelation into every hidden detail that has to do with my life. Help me by your Spirit to always apply my heart unto wisdom and instruction, as I remain sensitive to the leadership and guidance of your Spirit in Jesus Name. Amen.

Psalm 143:8-10, Isaiah 30:21, Jeremiah 10:23.

Pray Ephesians 1:17 for yourself. 


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