Wednesday 11 December 2013

Love & Lust

“Love is never tired of waiting; …”
1 Corinthians 13:4(BBE)

Most times some people may think that they are in love, meanwhile they are actually in lust. What is lust? Lust is an intense driving desire to satisfy the cravings of the flesh.

Lust is focused only on satisfying the cravings of the flesh. Lust does not care about the other person. It is only concerned about its own selfish desires. Lust is not committed to the well-being of the other individual, it is only focused on what it can gain.

Lust is what will make an unmarried person, whether male or female demand to sleep with someone of the opposite sex. That's not love, it is lust, because both of you are not married. According to the Bible, the only person you should sleep with, is your own husband or wife. God said in Exodus 20:17(MSG), “No lusting after your neighbor's house--or wife…” In other words, as a child of God, it is wrong for you to begin to desire any man or woman that you are not married to.

The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 13:4(ISV), “Love is always patient …” Therefore, if you are not married, then you must be willing to wait patiently, keeping your passions only for your wife, or your husband. That is true love. True love waits, because love is always patient.

The Bible tells us about Jacob in Genesis 29:18 “And Jacob loved Rachel; and said, I will serve thee seven years for Rachel thy younger daughter.” Jacob was willing to wait for seven years to make Rachel his wife because he loved her.

Therefore, as an unmarried man or woman, boy or girl, have this understanding about love; true love is patient. So, anyone who cannot wait to be married to you before they sleep with you, does not love you, they are in lust.

Dear Father, I thank you for I am strengthened with all might by the Holy Spirit for all patience, endurance and joyfulness for a life without reproach in Jesus Name. Amen.

For further study read:
Hebrews 13:4, 1 John 2:15-17

Renew your mind with the Word of God and cultivate self control.


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