Thursday 4 September 2014

Think Prosperity

“For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he …” Proverbs 23:7(KJV)

Today I will like to tell you the story of a minister of God who was into full time ministry. For a long while after he answered his call, he suffered lack. At this time also, his wife was eight months pregnant and they had nothing in their house except salt. During this time his wife decided to go out to help do the laundry in other people's houses to help sustain them.

One day, as this Pastor studied his Bible at home, he came across Luke 12:32 where the Bible says, “Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom.” It was at this point it dawned on him that God wanted him to prosper and have something in life. From that point he opened his heart for prosperity financially, so he released his faith for what they lacked and they started coming in.

What is the revelation in your heart from the Word of God concerning your prosperity; financially, spiritually, in your body, in your mind, even concerning your safety and well being? This is important because some Christians have programmed their minds unconsciously to think contrary to the Word of God concerning their prosperity; financially, spiritually, concerning their health, their academics, their safety, etc. These contrary thoughts will certainly get into their mouth and they will begin to confess negatively, by so doing they will be hindering their own prosperity.

Child of God, I want you to know that God is for you always and He wants you to prosper in every area of your life. His desire for you is not to beg or to suffer, therefore condition your mind with the Word of God and begin to think and speak in line with the Word of God concerning your prosperity. As you do, things will certainly begin to change in your favour.

Dear Father I boldly announce that I do believe your Word. I declare that your Word to me is true, therefore no matter what I see, no matter what I hear, no matter how I feel, I choose to hold your Word as my reality. Therefore I declare that you are causing me to prosper financially, spiritually, in my health, in my mind, and I am safe in my going out and in my coming in. In Jesus Name. Amen.

For further study read:
Matthew 6:31-33, Luke 12:29-32.

Meditate on Luke 12:32, then make your demand in the Name of Jesus.


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