Friday 15 May 2020

Mental Prosperity 3

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“Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.”
Proverbs 4:23.

Have you ever wondered why there is so much incidence of people committing suicide in our world today? When you do your research, you will discover that one of the major causes of suicide today is a lack of mental prosperity. Many are disconnected in their minds from reality.

For instance, a little girl who was just eight years old committed suicide because her mother refused to allow her do Facebook. She committed suicide because she was disconnected mentally from reality.

There was a man (a Hollywood actor and comedian) I read about who achieved all his goals and everything he ever wished for. After he achieved this feat he hung himself in the house.
Meaning that people do not commit suicide because they are poor, they commit suicide because they are hopeless. Hopelessness is one of the reasons people commit suicide.

There are several things which cause hopelessness. One of them is self-condemnation. When the heart of anyone is full with self-condemnation they will become hopeless because he or she has not factored into Christ. When you factor into Christ you will turn your attention to Him and not to yourself. The Bible says, “There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.” Christ is in you and so long as Christ is in you there is hope.

Dear Father, I ask that You teach me to number my days, so that I may apply my heart unto wisdom, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

For further study, read:
Jeremiah 16:12, Matthew 15:19-20, James 1:14-15.

Doing the Word
Meditate on Colossians 1:27, “… Christ in you, the hope of glory:”



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