Friday 26 October 2012

God needs you 2.

“And I sought for a man …”
 Ezekiel 22:30(KJV).

When God calls you, answer the call, because the destiny of many people out there is dependent on you answering your call. For instance, R.W Shambach was restored to Christ in an Oral Roberts meeting. What would have happened if Oral Roberts never answered his call? Maybe there would have been no R.W Shambach today. Now think about the numerous people around the world who have been saved and healed by the ministry of R.W Shambach. Those people may have continued in their darkness and their oppression if he was not saved.

Do you know that Jesse Duplantis got saved while watching Billy Graham on television? If Billy Graham never got on television, maybe Jesse Duplantis who has also blessed so many with his ministry around the world would not have been saved.

This is why we do the things we do. Someone may be wondering and ask, “Why are you on television? Someone's life depends on it for their salvation. So, as people get saved, all those who partnered with us will also be a part of the reward for all the souls that will be saved, and more so, they will be a part of the reward of that individual that got saved because they made it possible for him to be saved.

So, you can see from the illustrations above that your obedience to God's instructions and His call upon your life; have a far reaching effect in the lives and destiny of others.    

Dear Father, I thank you for the privilege of been called and used by you to be a blessing and to alter the destinies of many people out there for you. I ask that many more should be saved and transformed through my life and my involvement and partnership in the gospel. In Jesus Name. Amen.

For further study read:
Genesis 18:18, Psalm 71:8, Psalm 106:23, John 15:16, Ephesians 2:10.

Today, I want you to think of what you are going to do to make a difference in our world, and start doing it.


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