Wednesday 17 October 2012

He knew your limitations.

“Moses replied, "I have never been a good speaker. I wasn't one before you spoke to me, and I'm not one now. I am slow at speaking, and I can never think of what to say." 
Exodus 4:10(CEV).

From our opening scripture, we see Moses complaining to God that he was not eloquent. In other words, he was conscious of his weaknesses.

As a leader, you must understand that you cannot lead well when you are constantly meditating on your mistakes and your inadequacies. For example, I know that there may be someone reading this devotional right now that may have been given a leadership position before, but you pulled back from it because you felt just like Moses in our opening scripture. You asked yourself that familiar question, “who am I.” You said to yourself, “I cannot do this, I am not eloquent, I cannot preach like Pastor.” I told someone to preach one time and he said, “I cannot preach like you.”

As a leader, you do not have to try to be like somebody else. Be the you in you, that is what counts. Your success as a leader does not come from trying to look like another leader, or trying to talk like someone else. God has made you unique for your calling. But if you meditate on your inadequacies, the more fearful you will be to lead.

Understand that before God chose you, He knew your limitations. Then He chose you so that He can help you become what you were born to be. For instance, when God chose me, I was a fearful lad; I could not stand before a crowd. So, you may look at yourself and say, “I am not eloquent.” But I want you to read God's answer to Moses in Exodus 3:11-12(CEV), “But the LORD answered, "Who makes people able to speak …? Who gives them sight …? Don't you know that I am the one who does these things? Now go! When you speak, I will be with you and give you the words to say."

Dear Father, your decision to choose me inspite of all my previous weaknesses has humbled me; your grace that you have lavished on me has enabled me. Today, I step out into my world with confidence knowing that He that is in me is greater than He that is in the world. Amen.

For further study read: 
Hebrews 4:15-16, Hebrews 2:17-18, Jude 1:24.

Do not allow the devil or anybody to intimidate you out of your calling. God already knew all about you and you are His choice. Let His grace work in you to live above every limitation.


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