Saturday 30 November 2019

Set Goals

“So I run like someone who has a goal.”                          1 Corinthians 9:26a (ERV).

Do you run like someone who has a goal in life? The Apostle Paul was able to finish his course in life and our opening scripture lets us see that one of the principles he practiced was setting goals. Do you set goals? You have to set goals because goals are supposed to be milestones on your path to destiny. For every phase in your life, you should have a milestone you are set to reach. These milestones are markers leading to the fulfilment of your ultimate destiny. Reaching each milestone should draw you closer to the fulfilment of your destiny.

The reason why people do not set goals is because they don't know where they are going. Where are you going? If you know your destination in life then I encourage you to start setting goals today because the future belongs to those who prepare for it. One of the ways you can effectively prepare for your future is by setting goals. Goals help you to know what you are looking forward to becoming, doing and having.

Set your goals for each day; they become your focus for that day. Set your goals for each week; they become your focus for that week. Set your goal for the month; that could be a milestone accomplishment. When you organize your life this way there will be greater order in your life, you will be more focused, more excellent, more self-motivated and inspired. Your time will be better maximized, more fulfilled, more successful and more result oriented.

Dear Father, help me to number my days that I may apply my heart unto wisdom, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

For further study, read: 
1 Chronicles 22:5 (MSG), Psalm 90:12, Proverbs16:9. 

Doing the Word
 Please set your goal. What will be your goal for next month? Break it down to what you want to achieve each week, that can  help you set your daily goals. Don't forget to commit all your goals to the Lord.

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