Saturday 25 April 2020

He Came To Save Us 2

“And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call
his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from

their sins.”
Matthew 1:21.

Jesus came to save us from our sins. Yet there are
people who are born again who do not know that 
Jesus came to save us from our sins. As a result 
they are still living in the sin they have been saved 
from because they do not know that they
have been saved from that sin. Jesus is your

In Acts 4:12 the Bible says, “Neither is there
salvation in any other: for there is none other name
under heaven given among men, whereby we must
be saved.” If you are reading this devotional today,
let no one deceive you because there is no other way
to salvation other than through Jesus.

A Muslim girl who was converted to Christ
speaking about her conversion said a man
appeared to her in white, whose eyes shone like the
sun, immediately I knew that was Jesus because the
Bible says His eyes shines like the sun (See Matthew
17:2, Revelation 1:14,16). She also said when she
saw Him, she started screaming, yet no one else
could see Him, just her alone. Finally, they had to
take her to a psychiatric hospital. After she was 
examined, they discharged her because there was
nothing wrong with her. She observed that every
time He appeared to her, she always felt peace
because He is the Prince of Peace. The part that got
my attention was when she said Jesus told her that
He wants her to preach the gospel. Prior to this
time, she had never gone to school and had never
been taught the alphabets. Supernaturally after this
encounter with Jesus, she could read and speak
English. Jesus reached out to her because He is the
Saviour of the world. He died for Muslims too
because He came to save us all from our sin.

Please read Matthew 9:36 and ask the Father to
give you compassion for the lost.

For further study, read:
Acts 3:19, 26, Acts 20:21, Ephesians 2:11-22.

Doing the Word
Let your heart rest in Christ alone for salvation
and not in yourself or your good works.

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