Thursday 2 June 2016

What does He want?

Thursday, June 2nd
What does He want?

“First of all, I encourage you to make petitions, prayers, intercessions, and prayers of thanks for all people, for rulers, and for everyone who has authority over us. Pray for these people so that we can have a quiet and peaceful life always lived in a godly and reverent way. This is good and pleases God our Savior. He wants all people to be saved and to learn the truth.”                  
1Timothy 2:1-4(GW)

What is your opinion of God? Most people have this idea of God that God is destructive. They believe that God is responsible when people are killed. There are many who do not even know that God is caring and even desires that the ungodly be saved.

God revealing His character to the prophet Ezekiel said in Ezekiel 18:23(CEV), “I, the LORD God, don't like to see wicked people die. I enjoy seeing them turn from their sins and live.” God is not happy when sinners die in their sins. His desire is for them to repent and live. God makes an appeal to those who have sinned in line with His character in Ezekiel 18:31-32(GNB), “Give up all the evil you have been doing, and get yourselves new minds and hearts. Why do you Israelites want to die? I do not want anyone to die," says the Sovereign LORD. "Turn away from your sins and live."” Ezekiel 33:11(MSG) says, “Tell them, 'As sure as I am the living God, I take no pleasure from the death of the wicked. I want the wicked to change their ways and live. Turn your life around! Reverse your evil ways! …”

When you have such a view of God, your prayer life will be different. You will be more willing to make intercession for sinners knowing that God's true desire for them is to repent and live. Therefore making intercession for the unsaved is praying God's will. I encourage you to take up the responsibility for the intercession for souls today. God bless you.(Read Psalm 2:8)

Pray for the salvation of the souls of those around you who are not saved as a point of contact to the unsaved around the world, that God will grant them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth.

For further study, read:
John 3:15-17, 2 Peter 3:9, 2 Corinthians 5:18-19.

Doing the Word
You can reach out with the message of the gospel to someone today.


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