Tuesday 21 January 2020

Meditate 3

“Only be thou strong and very courageous, that thou
mayest observe to do according to all the law, which
Moses my servant commanded thee: turn not from it

to the right hand or to the left, that thou mayest

prosper whithersoever thou goest.”
Joshua 1:7.

Today, I want you to know that it does not
matter what God has said to you concerning this year,
 there are conditions to seeing
those prophecies fulfilled.

I have met people who God said great things to but
they never came to pass because they refused to
collaborate with God's plan.

God told Joshua in our opening scripture, “… that
thou mayest observe to do according to all the law,
which Moses my servant commanded thee: turn not
from it to the right hand or to the left, that thou
mayest prosper whithersoever thou goest.” This
means that the location is not the problem because
God made him know that he could prosper
wherever he goes. What is hindering the prosperity
of many is the condition of their minds. It is what you think, 
say and do that determines the outcomes
of your life.

Therefore, God said to Joshua in Joshua 1:8, “This
book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth;
but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that
thou mayest observe to do according to all that is
written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way
prosperous, and then thou shalt have good

In the Name of Jesus, I believe and I declare that
God is who He says He is and He can do what
He says He can do. I declare that I am who God
says I am. I can do what God says I can do. I
have what God says I have. Amen.

For further study, read:
Psalm 119:97, Proverbs 4:20, Ephesians 3:20.

Doing the Word
Meditate on Ephesians 3:20, “Now unto him that
is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that
we ask or think, according to the power that
worketh in us,”

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