Tuesday 7 January 2020


“Do your planning and prepare your fields before
building your house.”
Proverbs 24:27 (NLT)

It is important for you to have a concrete plan if
you are going to have a profitable year. What is a plan?
A plan is a written strategy for achieving
your goals. Someone said, “Don't just think it, ink
it.” It has been said that when you write your goals,
you empower the possibility for achieving them to
about seventy to eighty percent.

Your plan should contain your 'how to', which is
your strategy. For instance, you may have a goal to
lose weight, part of your plan or strategy should
include; when you are going to exercise, how long
and on what days. Write them down.

A good plan should answer the following questions;
what? That is what you want to achieve. How? How
are you going to do it? When? Are you going to be
doing it every day and at what time? Where? Where
are you going to carry out your plan?

It should also answer the question, with whom?
Who is going to encourage you and hold you
accountable? Who is going to be your mentor or
coach? What are the resources needed? Itemize the
resources you have and the resources you need to
accomplish your goals.

Why? Your plan should also include the reasons
you want to carry out your plan. You can write
down as much as thirty reasons. This is because
when you are able to write down as much reasons, it
will birth a resolve inside of you. When you have
that resolve, it will birth a commitment, which gives
birth to consistency and in turn produces the

Dear Father, fill me with the knowledge of Your
will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding,
in Jesus' Name. Amen.

For further study, read:
Ecclesiastes 9:10 (NIV), Proverbs 21:5 (NLT),
Proverbs 21:5 (MSG).

Doing the Word.
Write down the reasons why you need to carryout
your goals.

To order for a hard copy of "A Word In Due Season"
Call: +2348033827072,


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