Friday 10 January 2020

The Power of Preparation 2

Dearly Beloved,

Grace, Mercy and Peace be multiplied unto you today from God our Father who ordained us to a life of victory and success from the foundation of the world and from Jesus Christ Our Lord through
whom we have access to our God given destiny and from the Holy Spirit who is assigned to help us fulfill our God given destiny and reach our highest potential in God.

In line with our divine mandate to help men find God, follow Him and fulfill His plans and purposes for their lives. We will consistently seek to educate, enlighten, equip and empower believers everywhere with the Biblical truths, the practical tools and the tips to excel in their callings and their careers.

Therefore, we will continue with the subject we started examining yesterday. The subject of Preparation. What is preparation? To prepare is to get ready or to make ready beforehand. Your success or failure in life will be dependent on your commitment to diligent preparation. It has been said that “To fail to prepare is to prepare to fail.” How true!

The best sports teams we admire are teams committed to ongoing, never ending commitment to quality preparation. The people we admire are people given to dedicated preparation for the tasks they undertake. The marriages we admire are undergirded by a foundation of continuous ongoing investment in personal and corporate growth and improvement.

Without quality preparation, all we will have is mediocre results. To be mediocre is to be average. To be average is to be the best of the worst and to be the worst of the best. What a place to be. Jesus told a Church in Revelation 3:14-22 that they were neither hot nor cold, that is what it means to be mediocre. You think you are something, when you are nothing. You think you are rich while you are poor. Jesus said he will spew them out of His mouth.

Mediocrity is worthless. Nobody celebrates mediocrity. Everyone celebrates excellence. Excellence is a product of adequate preparation and a painstaking attention to details. Preparation takes time because it takes time to package quality. To give a quality performance demands a dogged dedication to preparation.

Luke 12:47-48 NKJV
And that servant who knew his master's will, and did not prepare himself or do according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes. But he who did not know, yet committed things deserving of stripes, shall be beaten with few. For everyone to whom much is given, from him much will be required; and to whom much has been committed, of him they will ask the more.

Knowledge imposes responsibility. When you know what God has called you to do then it behooves you to begin taking steps to adequately prepare yourself tirelessly for the Master’s use. Adequate preparation is the antidote to a cycle of frustration. Think about it.

The quality of your preparation determines the quality of your life, the quality of your performance and the quality of your outcomes in life. This is a time to begin to take preparation seriously because preparation is the first step to promotion. God has great things in store for you. It is time to prepare. Selah!!! See 2 Timothy 2:19-21; Job 8:8-10; Luke 1:80; 2 Timothy 2:15; 3:16–17.

In His Majesty’s Service,


P. S.

Further Reading:
Proverbs 22:29; 12:24,27; 10:4; 13:4;
1 Chronicles 22:5; 22:14; 2 Chronicles 2:9; 12:4; Proverbs 24:27

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