Wednesday 22 January 2020

Meditate 4

“For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he …”
Proverbs 23:7.

Today, I will like to emphasize on the fact that
consistency is the key to breakthrough. If
your thinking is going to change, you must meditate
consistently in the Word of God.

Naturally, I am supposed to be a very shy person,
but I speak confidently before thousands of people
often. What happened? My mindset got changed. If
I was still shy, I will not be able to fulfill my destiny.

One of the keys to success is habitual meditation. If
you are going to prosper this year, you must
commit to meditating on the Word of God
consistently. This year will not be different from last
year if your thinking doesn't change because your
thoughts decide your lot in life.

Your thoughts determine your reality and your
outcomes in life, so no matter what the theme of this
year is, if you still have the same software, you will
have the same output because your thoughts are
your software. Your software (your thoughts) will
determine the outcomes you get.

If you had the same income throughout last year, it
is because you had the same thinking. This is why
every time you raise your IQ or your intellect, you
raise your income. So if your income is still the
same, it is because you have not upgraded your
thinking, therefore your lot in life is still the same.

Dear Father, I receive grace for consistency in
doing the right things that will help me fulfil
my destiny in becoming all I was born to be, in
Jesus' Name. Amen.

For further study, read:
1 Timothy 4:15-16, 2 Timothy 3:14-17, Titus 1:9.

Doing the Word
Keep upgrading your mind positively by
reading, meditating and researching in your

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