Friday 13 May 2016

God's prescriptions

Friday, May  13th
God's prescriptions.

“Moses asked the LORD for help, and the LORD told him to throw a piece of wood into the water. Moses did so, and the water became fit to drink.”
Exodus 15:25(CEV)

Who do you ask for help when you have challenges? Who is the first person you speak with when there is an emergency? In Exodus chapter 15 Moses had an emergency situation; the water that was available for the congregation of the children of Israel to drink was bitter, and they came to him complaining, demanding that he provide water for them to drink. Moses turned to no one else but the Lord, he asked the Lord for help and the Lord told him what he needed to do. This was a man that knew God as his source.

When Moses asked the Lord for help, God answered by giving him an instruction to throw a piece of wood into the water and the water became fit to drink. No matter the challenge you may be having today, go to  God and he will show you what you need to do.

Kenneth Copeland Ministry owed about six million dollars at a particular time, so he went to the Lord in prayer, and the Lord told him to start tithing 10 percent of their ministry income and as they did they prospered and came out of debt. This meant that they were in lack because they were not tithing. Are you tithing? God may have told you and showed you visions of the great things He will do with your life but if you are not meeting His requirements for you, you will still be stranded. You have to follow God's principles for prosperity for you to experience His full blessings in your finances.

Dear Father, show me what I need to stop doing that is sabotaging my progress and show me what I need to start doing to amplify the manifestation of your blessings in my life and all that has to do with me, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

For further study, read:
Exodus 14:15-16, 21-22, Exodus 17:4-6,
Psalm 50:14-15.

Doing the Word.
Whatever He says to you, do it.


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