Wednesday 18 May 2016

Money matters

Wednesday, May 18th
Money matters.

“Why spend money on what does not satisfy? Why spend your wages and still be hungry? Listen to me and do what I say, and you will enjoy the best food of all.”
Isaiah 55:2(GNB)

All true prosperity begins in the mind. The difference between the poor and the rich is their way of thinking or their mentality. When you put money in the hands of a poor man, all he thinks about is his needs and how to spend that money to meet his immediate needs. The mentality of the rich is different. When you put money in the hands of the rich he thinks of how to multiply it (he invests it). The poor man spends all his money but the rich man invests most of his money.

To be a truly rich man God's way, you will have to reorder your priorities. What is the first thing you do when money comes into your hands? As a steward over God's resources, the first thing to do is for you to remove God's portion which is your tithe (10 percent) it belongs to God. Do not use your tithe to do business and neither should you spend your tithe to meet your needs. Tithing is kingdom investment which guarantees supernatural prosperity. Your tithing will save you from all kinds of loses, it guarantees an abundance of good things and God's partnership with you in your business and finances. It guarantees a steady growth in your income until there is no more need in your life and it insures your business against failure. There is so much benefits that tithing will bring to you that is why it should be your number one priority in your finances.

Dear Father, I ask that you grant me wisdom in financial management and how to multiply wealth, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

For further study, read:
Jeremiah 2:13, Haggai 1:5-6, Malachi 3:6-12.

Doing the Word
Do an honest assessment of your income and ascertain for yourself how much of your income you invest every month. (Your tithe, seeds, offerings, seeds to other believers, gifts to the poor, other business investments)


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