Tuesday 3 December 2019

Abound In Love 2

“My prayer for you is that you will overflow more
and more with love for others, and at the same time
keep on growing in spiritual knowledge and insight,”
Philippians 1:9 (TLB)

Our opening scripture reveals to us that the
more we overflow in love for others, the
more we will grow in spiritual knowledge and insight.
That means love enhances revelation. The more loving
you become, the better you see into the realm of the spirit.

As I spent time studying on love, God began talking
to me about the year 2024 even though we are still in
2019. Why? The more loving you are, the farther you
see. The more loving you are, the less mistakes you
will make and the more godly you will be. This is
why it is important for you to walk in love. When
you walk in love, you please God. (See Philippians

The Lord taught me many years ago that angels love
being around where there is love. He then said, “I
am Love. When you are walking in love my angels
will always be around you.” This was what the Lord
told me until I heard a minister say the same thing
when he was teaching about how to walk with
angels. He said angels are like horses, they like to be
around where there is love. That was a confirmation
to what the Lord shared with me.

So I encourage you to walk in love and angels will
begin to walk closely with you. As a result, you will
prosper more because where there are angels there
will be prosperity. Also, you will always be
protected because where there are angels there will
be protection.

Please read Ephesians 3:14-19 and ask the Father
to reveal how much Christ loves you to you.

For further study, read
Matthew 24:12, 2 Corinthians 8:7-8, 1 Peter 1:22.

Doing the Word
If you want to experience the prosperity and
protection of God then walk in love.

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