Wednesday 18 December 2019

Love In The Church 2

“The group of followers all felt the same way about
everything. None of them claimed that their
possessions were their own, and they shared
everything they had with each other. In a powerful
way the apostles told everyone that the Lord Jesus
was now alive. God greatly blessed his followers,
and no one went in need of anything. Everyone
who owned land or houses would sell them and
bring the money to the apostles. Then they would
give the money to anyone who needed it.”
Acts 4:32-35 (CEV)

Yesterday, we saw that the love expressed
in the early church led to the miraculous and
growth in the church.

Hence, when you find a church where miracles
happen consistently there is one common thing
you will see; you will notice that the members are
givers to God and to men.

In a stingy church miracles are scarce but in a
loving church there will be moves of the Spirit as
seen in our opening scripture and in Acts 5:12-16
(CEV) which says, “The apostles worked many
miracles and wonders among the people. All of the
Lord's followers often met in the part of the temple
known as Solomon's Porch. No one outside their
group dared join them, even though everyone liked
them very much. Many men and women started
having faith in the Lord. Then sick people were
brought out to the road and placed on cots and
mats. It was hoped that Peter would walk by, and
his shadow would fall on them and heal them. A lot
of people living in the towns near Jerusalem
brought those who were sick or troubled by evil
spirits, and they were all healed.”

Read 1 Thessalonians 4:9-10 and pray that God
will stir up your heart and the hearts of every
member of your family and church to love each
other unconditionally.

For further study, read:
Acts 2:42-45, Acts 5:11-16, Hebrews 12:28.

Doing the Word
Intentionally foster love and togetherness within
your local church.

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