Monday 30 December 2019

Love People Not Things

“If our faith is strong, we should be patient with the
Lord's followers whose faith is weak. We should try
to please them instead of ourselves. We should think
of their good and try to help them by doing what
pleases them. Even Christ did not try to please
Romans 15:1-3 (CEV)

Our opening scripture teaches you how to
treat others rightly. Use things to bless
people. Use things to help people. Never
use people to get things because that is not the right
way to treat people.

You must learn that people are more important
than things. That is why people who invest in other
people always have things because before God,
people are more important. I tell you the truth, if
you invest in people, God will give you things.

Remember the words of Jesus in Mark 8:36, “For
what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole
world, and lose his own soul?” . This means that the
whole world is not worth the value of a soul in
God's eyes. Therefore when I win souls, God will
give me anything in the world that I need. This is
the secret behind the wealth you find in soul
winning ministries.

I encourage you to start winning souls and make it
your priority, even in the coming year, and you will
always have an abundance. Why? You are using
what you have; your time, knowledge, etc. to bless
people. The bottom line is this: “People are more
important than things.”

Please read Matthew 15:32 and Proverbs 19:17
and ask the Father to fill your heart with
compassion for the poor.

For further study, read:
Proverbs 3:27-28, Luke 10:30-37, Galatians 6:10,
Hebrews 13:16.

Doing the Word
Whenever you have an opportunity to choose
between people and things, choose people
above things.

To order for a hard copy of "A Word In Due Season"
Call: +2348033827072,


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