Tuesday 31 December 2019

End of Year Letter of Appreciation

Dearly Beloved,

Kind greetings in the Matchless Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ by whom we have received the grace and apostleship for obedience of faith amongst all nations.

It behooves me to use this opportunity to express my sincere appreciation for the many ways you helped in the advancement of the goals and objects of the kingdom of God in 2019.

Your consistency In attending meetings and inviting others cannot be overlooked. Thank you. Your selfless generosity and magnanimous expression of Christlike kindness to the brethren, the work and us cannot be taken for granted.

Your fervent prayers and unfailing expression of loyalty and honor to the work and to us is unmatched and cannot be overemphasized. Thank you. Your selfless and self sacrificing service for the kingdom as you joyously served in your place before, during and after services. Thank you.

Your faith and unreserved confidence in us is empowering. Thank you. Your unconditional love and commitment to one another and our wellbeing as a family is heartwarming. Thanks again and again. Above all your relentless passion for God, the growth of the Church and the rapid expansion of the kingdom is truly remarkable. Thanks a million.

This is my prayer for you: As we enter the year 2020: Our year of Harvest, May God abundantly reward all your efforts and sacrifices for His work, His Kingdom and His people. May He bless you with an abundant increase in favors. May He lavish you with His goodness in Jesus Name, Amen. Happy New Year in advance. Much love from my house to yours.

Much Love,


Preserving the Faith of the Fathers For Future Generations 


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