Tuesday 24 July 2012

Vision restrains you from disorder.

“Where there is no revelation, the people cast off restraint; but one who keeps the law is blessed.”
                                                                                                      Proverbs 29:18 (HNV)

From our opening text, the word is saying to us that, without a vision, there can be no self restraint.
Proverbs 29:18 (GNB) puts it this way, “A nation without God's guidance is a nation without order. Happy are those who keep God's law!” This means that the disorder in society is a reflection of an absence of vision. When you look at the nation, a community, a family, a life, if that life is disorderly, it is because there is a lack of vision.

To perish in our opening text also means to dwell carelessly. Proverbs 29:18 (BBE) says, “Where there is no vision, the people are uncontrolled; but he who keeps the law will be happy. So, when you find a careless person, lacking self control, you’ve identified someone that lacks vision.

To perish in our opening scripture also means to be made naked. Proverbs 29:18 (YLT) says,
Without a Vision is a people made naked, And whoso is keeping the law, O his happiness!
 This reveals that sexual immorality is a proof of a life without a vision. A life of self restraint is impossible without a genuine vision from God.

When you observe the life of Joseph, you will discover that he had a genuine vision from God. Because, when he had the privilege and the opportunity to sleep with Potiphar’s wife, he refused. His vision restrained him. This is how you know a genuine vision from God. A genuine vision would always restrain you from doing the wrong things, and compromising your faith in God.

No matter what happens, living in God’s vision for your life is what counts. Living in God’s vision for your life is living in God’s perfect will for your life. And when you are in the centre of God’s will for your life, you can always lay claims to God’s provision and protection.

Lord I submit myself to you and to doing your vision for me. As I live my life in your vision, I ask that all the protection and provision I require for my well being, comes to me freely in Jesus Name. Amen.

Read: Genesis 39:7-12, 2 Corinthians 5;14.

Allow your vision to always constrain you to always live a morally upright life.


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