Saturday 12 January 2013

Reprogram yourself

“… but forgetting indeed one [thing], the [things] behind, but reaching out to the [things] ahead.”  
Philippians 3:13(ALT) 

I heard the story of a lady that was from a poor family where she was verbally abused, they said all kind of things to her and as a result, she had very poor self esteem and she began to do poorly in life. She was disorganized and she wasn't doing things well.

One day, she had a car accident and because of the trauma she forgot everything about her past, she didn't know her husband, she didn't know her children, she forgot everything.

Since doctors wanted to know what her condition was, she started researching and she started speaking to doctors about the condition based on her research. This was someone that once had a very poor self esteem and couldn't do things well because of the verbal abuse she suffered in her childhood.

Words became thoughts and those thoughts gave birth to negative actions in her life. But when she lost those thoughts, and she forgot that she had a poor self esteem, she became confident and successful.

It does not matter what you were told when you were young, they may have been damning and negative words, and you may have started acting out those words, but now it is never too late, you can reprogram yourself with the word of God and then replace your old thinking with the new thinking the word of God gives to you. Hallelujah!

My past is behind me. It is gone and completely past away, because I am now a new creation in Christ with a completely new identity. The pulsating life of Zoe (the God-kind of life) is now at work in me. I consciously choose to forget every negative word spoken concerning me. I am free and completely delivered from the curse in my mind in Jesus Name.

For further study read: 
Isaiah 42:9, Isaiah 43:18-19.

Forget about all the negative things that occurred in your past and focus on the glorious future you have in Christ.


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