Wednesday 27 July 2016

It matters what you say.

Wednesday, July 27th It matters what you say. “I create the fruit of the lips; …” Isaiah 57:19a One of the things you need to change for you to become all that God wants you to be is to change what you say. What are you saying about your life? What you are saying is what God will create for you. This works whether you are a Christian or not. Your words are deciding the outcomes of your life. That is why before an unbeliever can be saved, he has to speak the right words. He has to confess the Lordship of Jesus with his mouth; otherwise he will not be saved. Read Romans 10:9-10. There was a secular musician in America who was asked in an interview if he sees himself in a long time in the show business. He said yes, unless he gets shot. In another interview he was asked the same question and he said unless a mad man murders him. Finally he died: he was murdered, and he was shot. You will not die unless you say so. The Apostle Paul was persecuted again and again yet they could not kill him. But the moment he said in 2 Timothy 4:6, “For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand.” He was killed. It matters what you say; when you are sitting down in your house, in your room, when you are on your own, those words you say matter. Kenneth Hagin was praying for a man and the Lord told him to stop praying because the man had set laws in motion that could not be reversed at that time. He had been confessing his death, so he died. Make this confession aloud: I will live long until I am satisfied. Instruction. Please read Psalm 79:11 and pray that God will preserve you and all your loved ones from untimely death. For further study, read: Proverbs 13:2-3, Psalm 118:17, Mark 11:23. Doing the Word Always speak life concerning your health, body and all that concern you. Bible reading for today: Luke chapters 23 -24 and Matthew chapters 13-16.


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