Saturday 24 November 2012

Overcome evil with good.

“Pay back to no man evil for evil… If you can, so far as it depends on you, live at peace with all the world. Do not be revengeful, my dear friends, but give way before anger; for it is written, "'REVENGE BELONGS TO ME: I WILL PAY BACK,' says the Lord." On the contrary, therefore, IF YOUR ENEMY IS HUNGRY, GIVE HIM FOOD; IF HE IS THIRSTY, QUENCH HIS THIRST. FOR BY DOING THIS YOU WILL BE HEAPING BURNING COALS UPON HIS HEAD. Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome the evil with goodness.” 
Romans 12:17-21(WNT)

From our opening scripture, we see that we are to overcome evil with good.

Today, I will like to appeal to your conscience. If you know that you have really been offending others with your attitude, I will like you to write a letter of apology, send a text or make a call to apologize for the things you have done to offend others.

Why is this important? It is important because as they forgive you for what you have done against them, you will also experience release. I encourage you to forgive someone and also to receive forgiveness. If you still feel that someone you offended has not forgiven you, it is important that you reach out to them in love so that both of you can be reconciled to one another.

In Matthew 5:43-44(WNT), Jesus says to us, “You have heard that it was said, 'THOU SHALT LOVE THY NEIGHBOUR
and hate thine enemy.' But I command you all, love your enemies, and pray for your persecutors”

My dear friend out there, do what Jesus has said, and I know that the favour of God will be released on your life.

Father in the Name of Jesus I pray that the anointing of the Holy Spirit would mantle me, and grace will be administered to me to forgive, and to overcome all evil with good today and  always. In Jesus Name. Amen.

For further study read:
Luke 6:27-30, Galatians 6:10, 1 Thessalonians 5:15,
1 Peter 3:9, 3 John 1:11.

Dear friend, don't copy the evil deeds of others! Follow the example of people who do kind deeds. They are God's children, but those who are always doing evil have never seen God.
3John 1:11(CEV)


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