Tuesday 20 May 2014

Authority in His Name 1.

“I am come in my Father's name, …” 
John 5:43(KJV)

Our opening scripture are words that were spoken by Jesus. What does He mean by saying, “I am come in my Father's name, …” The word 'name' used in that verse is from the greek word meaning authority or character. This means that Jesus was saying, I came in my Father's authority. That lets you know that the authority that Jesus walked with was the Father's authority.
In Matthew 28:18 after Jesus was raised from the dead, He appeared unto His disciples and said, “… All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.” The word power there also means authority. In other words, Jesus was saying that all authority in heaven and in earth had been given unto Him. Therefore on account of this authority that He possesses, He says to His disciples in Matthew 28:19, “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, …”

Child of God, be conscious knowing that you are backed up with all the authority of heaven according to the words of Jesus. This is why the Bible says in Mark 16:17, “And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name …” The word name in this verse also means authority. So as a believer in Jesus and the authority in His Name, you will be able to, “cast out devils; you will be able to speak with new tongues; you will be able to take up serpents in His name; and if you drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt you; you will be able to lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.” All these and more will you be able to accomplish in the Name of Jesus. See Mark 16:17-18.

Dear Father I thank you for giving me authority in the Name of Jesus to cast out devils, to speak with new tongues, to take up serpents, to be immune from all deadly things, and to heal the sick in Jesus Name. Amen.

For further study read:
John 10:25, Acts 16:16-18, Acts 3:6-8.

Doing the Word
Be confident to exercise your authority in the Name of Jesus.


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