Tuesday 20 May 2014

God is waiting on you.

“Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.” 
Matthew 18:18(KJV)

The Bible in our opening scripture is teaching us a principle. It is letting us know that what you allow in your life is what God will allow in your life, and what you disallow in your life is what God will disallow in your life.

So you are responsible for where you are today. If you do not like where you are today, you are to blame because you allowed it. God has given to each one of us who are His children the authority to determine our own fortunes in life. This is the time for you to take responsibility for your life and stop tolerating satan around you. Stop complaining and saying that you are waiting for God to do something, when in reality, God is waiting for you to bind what you don't want, and loose what you would like to see perpetuated in your life.

Therefore, I want you to know that until you say something, God does nothing. This means that you are a prophet over your own life. The Bible says in Ecclesiastes 8:4, “Where the word of a king is, there is power: …” So live your life with this consciousness that you have enough power in your mouth to produce whatever changes you desire to see in your life. Learn to use your mouth right always for your own benefit.

The Word of salvation is near me, it is in my heart and in my mouth, therefore I declare that all things are working together for my good. The lines are fallen to me in pleasant places, I have a goodly heritage. I am blessed in my body, my family is blessed, my bank account is blessed, my mind is blessed and I am living life without limits in Jesus Name.

For further study read:
Matthew 16:19, Romans 10:6-10, Isaiah 57:19, Joshua 1:8.

Doing the Word
Speak life and what you want to see into your life.


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