Thursday 22 May 2014

Freely you received

“Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give.” Matthew 10:8(KJV)

Today, child of God I want to encourage you to be confident to pray for the sick in the Name of Jesus, because the more you use that Name and you see results, the greater your faith will be in that Name.

I will like to share an experience I had when I prayed for a blind woman some years ago. To be honest with you, when I saw the old woman and the way she looked, in my head I didn't think she will see. But then I released my faith and prayed in the Name of Jesus for her eyes, then I asked her, “mama can you see?” to the glory of God, she answered and said, “I can see the light.”

Why did she see? Was it because I fasted? No. It did not work because I fasted. It worked because of faith in the Name of Jesus. The reason why I fasted was so I could exercise my faith in the Name of Jesus.

For example, your fasting would not make the President a President, he is already a President. How much more God? So, your fasting doesn't make God powerful, He is already powerful. Therefore, what makes the Name of Jesus work for you is not just because you fasted, but it works because of your faith in the Name of Jesus.

Dear Father I take my eyes off myself and every confidence I have in the flesh. I cast all my confidence in Jesus and His love for me. I choose to live by His faith today and always in Jesus Name. Amen.

For further study read
Acts 4:7-10, Acts 5:12-16.

Thank the Father for empowering you freely to do the works of Christ.


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